Monday, October 5, 2009

Mercy Mercy Me

- Lauren

I’ve come to the realization that Grey’s Anatomy is like a bad relationship you can’t get out of. No matter how many times I’ve tried to break up with this show, I still find myself getting sucked back in even though I know things aren’t going to get any better. This week’s episode, which had the distinct odor of FILLER emanating from it, was mediocre at best—yet I find myself addicted and ready for more. This is definitely TV crack.

Our second ep of the season (or third, technically, since the premiere was really two episodes) deals primarily with the anxiety over the impending merger of Seattle Grace and Mercy West—and the subsequent firing of many yet-to-be-determined employees in order to accommodate this change. Everyone is on their best behavior, working 48-hour shifts to prove their worth to the Powers That Be and pouncing on any trauma that comes rolling in the emergency room doors. Not surprisingly, the biggest suck-up in this scenario is Cristina, who goes so far as to beg to put on Arizona’s pediatric service—working on children pretty much involves everything, Cristina figures, and besides, who can fire someone who puts little kids back together?

Izzie, also fearful for her job, is back at work three weeks ahead of schedule and sporting the most hideous wig I’ve ever seen—though I must say Meredith and Cristina’s expressions as they try to hide their horror may have made my having to lay my own eyes on that monstrosity totally worth it. Alex worries that Izzie is taking on too much too soon and spends the entire day hovering over her like an overprotective mother hen to make sure she takes her medication on time. I know there’s no realistic way out of it, but can we just drop this cancer storyline already? Izzie is going to be a very exhausting character to follow if she is defined in some way or another by having cancer for the rest of her existence.

Lexie is probably the most panicked about her future at Seattle Grace, and her storyline gets the most focus in this week’s episode as the show continues transitioning into Lexie Grey’s Anatomy with Meredith’s screentime now reduced to virtually nil. Lexie is a good character, but I prefer her in small doses and kept somewhat on the sidelines. Having her shoved down our throats only reinforces the fact that she is better suited to fulfilling the sidekick or comic relief element, as she is just too cartoonish and overdramatic to be taken seriously as the central character who carries the storyline. I truly dread the upcoming block of episodes when Meredith becomes really marginalized, because if this episode is any indication, I can honestly say that I’d have no problem breaking up with Lexie’s Anatomy.

Webber continues to be utterly pointless and increasingly ridiculous. Holed up in his office again—honestly, what is he doing all day?—he totally ignores the state of panic that the hospital is in as all of his employees are in full-on panic mode over the merger. Derek tries to break through to him and get him to take some action to regain control over his staff, but Webber blows him off and asserts that he owes Derek absolutely nothing. Why am I feeling like the wrong character got hit by a bus?

The first round of job cuts is finally announced at the end of the day—via e-mail, for crying out loud. Seriously, I know this is a computer age and everything is done e-style, but how can you fire someone in an e-mail? Olivia, aka Syph Nurse, is among those who gets the ax, along with three-fourths of Lexie’s resident class including Intern Steve’s now-wife Megan. Not surprisingly, all of our main characters survive the cut. For now.

Next week: Meredith and Lexie’s dad arrives at the hospital for a medical emergency. Here’s hoping he slaps Meredith in the face again. You know, just because it’s funny.

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